Maternal stress and cortisol levels.

Why does the mother’s supply of serotonin matter?
Cortisol suuuuuuucks bad y’all. elevated levels are associated with depression. In pregnant people, the placenta responds to elevated cortisol by releasing even MORE of the hormone. This high frequency environment has implications for the growing brain of the baby. Stress makes itself known before you leave the womb. What happens if a caregiver struggles with POSTPARTUM depression?
How does that impact the child’s developing emotional being? So many questions!!!!
For those of us with anxiety and what not, what do you know of the environment you spent the first 9 (ish) months of your life?
#microdosenyc #pregnancy #stress #adhd #cortisol
The serotonin 2a receptor is what psychedelics bind to to cause their subjective effects. This is an Imprinted gene.
We only express the mother allele of this gene. Mutations with this gene are asssociated with a number of mental health conditions. Surprisingly , when activated the imprinted 5 ht2a increases the function of the body at a cellular level. of that communication. 5ht2a activation is associated with increased mitacondrial activity. Mitacondrial DNA is also tied to the mother.
Mental Health and Genetic mutations.
How does the immediate environment impact our genes?
We pass more than nutrients to our fetuses as they grow. What effects us today, has implications for our grandchildren’s DNA. Ending generational trauma starts in the womb.
What is an Imprinted gene?
The 5ht2a receptor is an imprinted gene. This is the receptor that psilocybin and other psychedelics bind to. What is an imprinted gene?
People inherit one copy of most genes from their mother and one copy from their father. Both copies are typically active, or "turned on," in cells. However, the activity of the 5ht2a gene depends on which parent it was inherited from.
This parent-specific difference in gene activation is caused called genomic imprinting (Methylation, which occurs during the formation of an egg or sperm cell, is a way of marking or "stamping" the parent of origin.)
Only the copy inherited from a person's mother is active; the copy inherited from the father is not active.
Why is it important when thinking about maternal health and the epigenetic impact of stress?
Mutations with the
serotonin 2a receptor
are associated with depression,anxiety,
ocd,autism,ADHD,and a reduced response to SSRI’s