What is Microdosing?
“Microdosing is the practice of ingesting small amounts of magic mushrooms.”
Many zealots adhere to XYZ protocol without critically thinking about what “small” means to them, the INDIVIDUAL.
I was once that person. Deep dive research into the mechanics of psilocybin, illuminated the problem with many popular protocols:.
The cookie cutter approach minimizes the vast spectrum of people whose divergent biologies impact what the correct amount of “small” is.
ALWAYS consider neurotype (5ht2a density),
Medications (down regulation),
Trauma history,
Social supports,
Comorbid conditions,
Sex (hormonal influence), when designing a microdosing regiment*.
Human biology is not static.
Microdosing is a dynamically complex practice which requires patience, and flexibility as you learn to correctly interpret somatic signals. 5ht2a activation increases intercellular communication, this is the scientific equivalent of “shrooms connect you to your body” “psilocybin increases inner communication” and all that other woo woo shit.
This is a new skill . Learning new things is hard, It will will take time to properly UNDERSTAND what your body is communicating.
This is why journaling is important. As your mind better connects to your body, you’ll take time to note down trends. This allows you to further optimize your regiment.
Microdosing mushrooms is defined as taking a tiny amount of a recreational dose of psilocybin. You are not supposed to feel any subjective effects from your microdose.
What does this mean?
Psilocybin has objective and subjective effects.
Objective effects -- can be perceived and measured by an outside observer. This can be things such as yawning or sweating, chills, and flatulence.
Subjective on the other hand is influenced by individual body’s makeup.
Subjective effects -- are experienced internally by the microdoser, such as close eyed visuals, and stomach cramps.
What works for you may not work forsomeone else.ultimately, the individual is the acknowledged authority on what the “correct” microdose is.
Listed are the common physical side effects of tripping on shrooms. It’s important to note; the subjective effects of psilocybin are DIRECTLY RELATED to the level of psilocybin in blood plasma and the number of occupied
5HT2A receptors in the brain.
“Psychedelic effects of psilocybin correlate with serotonin 2A receptor occupancy and plasma psilocin levels”
5ht2a density varies across the population. For example, autistic folk have lower 5ht2a density, which directly impacts subjective experiences.
Distorted sense of time
Stomach upset
Visual distortions
Vivid colors
Dilated pupils
Increased heart rate
People who microdose psilocybin claim that it provides a very wide range of benefits, such as increased creativity and energy,decreased anxiety, and more focus .